Business Management 300
Management & Leadership Principles
Br. Marcus H. Martins, Ph.D.

Dr. Marcus Martins

Marcus H. Martins, Ph.D.
Chair, Religion Department

Office: Stake Center # 201
Phone: (808) 277-2619

Office Hours:
Any day, by appointment

At the dedication of Brigham Young University-Hawaii in 1955, President David O. McKay stated: “From this school, I’ll tell you, will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good towards the establishment of peace internationally.

Our objective in this course will be to highlight a few management and leadership principles and practices that will assist us in fulfilling that prophetic vision.

Required Materials


Midterm 100
Project 200
Attendance & Participation 100
Final Exam 200

Final Grades

A    585-600 B-   525-539 D+  460-474
A-   570-584 C+  505-524 D   445-459
B+   555-569 C    490-504 D-  430-444
B     540-554 C-  475-489 F   001-429

Observation Project & Report

An exercise in observation. Choose a group setting (a project for another class; or at work; or in a Church advisory council) and observe the actions of the participants. Then, write a report describing in details the presence of 5 topics of leadership or group dynamics that you observed in that setting. This report should be turned in electronically before the end of this course.  The deadline is 5pm on last day of this class, April 12.

There is no need to print the report; just send me the file as an attachment via e-mail.  Use formats ".doc" (Microsoft Word), or ".wpd" (Corel WordPerfect 9 thru 12), or ".rtf" (Microsoft Rich Text).  Please name the file in the following manner:  Last name-First name initial-course number.extension  For example, my name is Marcus Martins.  So, if I were turning in this report I would name the file: Martins-M-300.doc (in Word) or Martins-M-300.wpd (in WordPerfect) or Martins-M-300.rtf (in Rich Text)

Any papers (final drafts) turned in after the due date will be penalized with minus 10 points per late day.


The “usual stuff” applies: adherence to the Honor Code, regular attendance and participation in classroom discussion, accountability, respect for others and property, use of English language … yada, yada, yada.  In addition, to me the term “make-up” refers only to cosmetics. So, exams will not be given in days other than those announced, and any late work will get a discounted score.  Absences will be penalized with minus 15 points--except in the event of extenuating circumstances--a short illness, a job interview, or participation in a university-sponsored athletics team or performance group.  No work will be accepted after the end of the semester.

(Tentative - Updated on January 29)




11 Jan

Introduction to the Course

Efficient and Inefficient
Leadership Styles

Chapter 17 - Leadership
Movie: Patton

18 Jan

Leadership, Management, Power, & Influence

Book: Chapter 18 – Power & Influence

Movie: Executive Suite

25 Jan

Managing Individuals: Personalities & Other Issues


Chapter 7 – Motivation

Movie: Chariots of Fire

01 Feb

Chapter 6 – Analyzing Individual Behavior

Movie: The Bedford Incident
and excerpts from The Fog of War

08 Feb

Managing Conflict & Negotiation

Chapter 19 – Organizational Change

Documentary: The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela

15 Feb

& Meetings

Chapter 15 - Communication

Documentary: Meltdown at Three Mile Island

Movie: excerpts from Scent of a Woman

22 Feb


Movie: The West Wing
Episode # 1.15 - Celestial Navigation

Interview: President Gordon B. Hinckley on "Larry King Live"

01 Mar

Decision Making

Chapter 16 - Decision Making
Movie: Thirteen Days

Study Guide for Midterm Exam

08 Mar

Movie: The West Wing
Episode # 1.14 - Take This Sabbath Day

Review for Midterm

Midterm - March 09-14 @ Testing Center

15 Mar


Chapter 11 – Effective Groups

Chapter 12 – Intergroup Behavior and Conflict

Movie: Twelve Angry Men

22 Mar

No class - Work on the observation project

29 Mar


Study Guide for Final Exam

No class - Work on the observation project
or meet with a group to study for the final exam

05 Apr

Special Topics:
Symbolism & Protocol

Leadership Among
Peers & Volunteers: The Case of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Movie: Hero

Review for Final Exam

Final Exam - April 6-11 @ Testing Center

12 Apr

Personal Preparation
for Leadership Roles

Last day for this class

Chapter 21 – Improving Your Own Effectiveness

Documentary: Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire - Part 1

Report due

Official University Statements on Sexual Harassment & Disabilities

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Title IX of the education amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds, including Federal loans and grants. Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact the Human Resources Service at 780-8875 (24 hours).

Students With Disabilities
Brigham Young University-Hawaii is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere, which reasonably accommodates qualified person with disabilities. If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the students with Special Need Counselor Leilani Auna at 293-3999 or 293-3518. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Human Resources Services at 780-8875.

Copyright © 2003, 2005 - Marcus H. Martins