2 Nephi 17-24

Questions for Review:

1. "Shall the ax boast itself against him that heweth therewith?" What could be an interpretation to this passage? (2 Nephi 20:15; Student Manual, p.33)


2 Nephi 17
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)


Another prophecy about the Messiah (14-17)

. The present dangers (Ephraim and Syria) should not be feared precisely because of "Immanuel", or "With Us Is God"

2 Nephi 18
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)
Fear the Lord, not your enemies (13)

The Lord is like a sanctuary for the righteous, and like a problem to the unbelievers (14-15)

Warning against consulting with evil spirits, astrologers, "psychic friends" etc. (19-20)

2 Nephi 19
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)

Christ's mission and roles defined by his titles (6)

Christ's government and the peace that will come through it have no end (7)

Warnings against unfaithful leaders (16-17)

2 Nephi 20
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)

Warning against unrighteous legislators, magistrates and rulers (1-3,15)


2 Nephi 21
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)
A description of the Messiah (2-5) Conditions of the earth during the millennium (6-9; see also D&C 45:54-59;101:23-34; 121:26-31)

2 Nephi 22
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)
Millennial praise (2-6; see also D&C 84:98-102)


2 Nephi 23
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)

The "Great Day of the Lord":

2 Nephi 24
Nephi Quotes Isaiah's Prophecies (cont.)
Israel's rest (1-3)

Lucifer's fall (12-19; see also D&C 29:36-38; Moses 4:1-4)

Copyright © 1994-2006 - Marcus H. Martins
This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
For more information, contact Dr. Marcus Martins at: martinsm@byuh.edu