Alma 1-4

The Book of Alma marks a major "turning point" in the overall narrative of the Book of Mormon because at this time the Nephites were a 509 year-old civilization (see Mosiah 29:46,) living in a democratic regime, with an ethnically diverse, mostly educated and wealthy population. Have you seen "this film" somewhere?

From now on, Mormon will give us greater details about Nephite life, culture, politics, economy, and national security issues. However, his focus is not on teaching us about Nephite history, but he will teach us how true Christians can face and overcome the challenges and predicaments of a complex society with the help of the priesthood and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Questions for Review:

1. Identify Nehor's false doctrines (Alma 1:3-4)

2. Alma the younger wanted to reform the people.  What most effective tool did he decide to use? (Alma 4:19)

Alma 1

Nehor and his false religion (3-4)

Results of Nehor's proselyting (5-6) Nehor kills Gideon, is tried by Alma, the chief judge, and executed according to the Nephite law  (7-10,13-15)

Many others preached false doctrines seeking profits and earthly honors (16)

The righteous priests did not consider themselves better than others (26)

Members of the church became wealthy and shared their substance with the poor and needy (29-31)

Widespread wickedness prevailed among non-believers (32)

Alma 2

Amlici was one of Nehor's followers

Alma 3

A description of the Lamanite warriors (5-6)

"Every man receiveth wages of him he listeth to obey" (27)

Alma 4

Pride becomes widespread in the church because of great wealth:  (6)

The priests were "sorely grieved" for the members' wickedness (7)

The wickedness of the members of the church was an obstacle to non-members' conversion (10)

Alma resigns his commission as Chief Judge of the Nephite republic (19)

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This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
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