3 Nephi 24-30

Questions for Review:

1. How much of Jesus' teachings to the Nephites is contained in the Book of Mormon? (3 Nephi 26:6-7)

2. Why have we received only a small portion of the Nephite record? (3 Nephi 26:8-11)

3. What power was not given to the Three Nephites who were to tarry on the earth? (3 Nephi 28:8-9,36-40)

4. What are the names of the three disciples who have lived for the last twenty centuries? (3 Nephi 28:25)

3 Nephi 24-25
Continuation of Jesus' Second Day of Visit
to the Nephites and Lamanites

The Lord adds some of the words of Malachi to the Nephite canon of scriptures (24:1)

Specific judgments at the second coming (24:5; 25:1,3)

Failing to pay tithing is equivalent to robbery (24:7-12)

Is it vain to serve the Lord? Some people seem to prosper without obeying commandments, ordinances, etc. Is that fair? (24:14-18; 25:2)

Elijah will be sent before the second coming (25:5-6; read D&C 110:13-16)

3 Nephi 26

Jesus explains all the scriptures (3-4)

The Lord did not allow Mormon to write more about his ministry among the Nephites and Lamanites, because He wants to try the faith of his people (6-12) The Lord ministered for 3 days (13)

In his third visit the Lord opened the mouth of the children and they ministered to their parents (14, 16)

The people are baptized and enjoy heavenly manifestations (17-18)

Consecration and equity are introduced (19)

3 Nephi 27

The Lord visits his Twelve Disciples (1-2)

The name of the Lord's church. It will be his church as long as it is built upon his gospel (3-10)

Temporary joy found in the works of men (11)

The Savior Jesus Christ once again defines his gospel (13-21)

We will be judged according to the books that are written (25-26)

The Twelve Disciples will judge their people; and in order to do so, they must be like Christ (27; also read 1 Nephi 12:9-10)

3 Nephi 28

The Lord grants his Twelve Disciples their wish (1)

Nine of them want to receive a guarantee of their exaltation (2-3)

Three of the Disciples want something else ... and they get it! (4-10)

The Three Disciples are temporarily taken up into heaven. They receive great powers. (12-15, 19-22, 36-40)

Their identities are concealed; they are as angels of God (25-32)

3 Nephi 29-30

Mormon addresses future readers of the Book of Mormon and calls them to repent

Copyright © 1994-2007 - Marcus H. Martins
This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
For more information, contact Dr. Marcus Martins at: martinsm@byuh.edu