Alma 30-33

Questions for Review:

1. List Korihor's false doctrines (Alma 30:13,17)

2. How did Korihor think about organized religions? (Alma 30:23,27-28)

3. What do unbelievers generally say when they run out of arguments? (Alma 30:43)

4. What had a "more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword or anything else" to lead them to do what was just? (Alma 31:5)

5. What was one of the characteristics of the apostate religion of the Zoramites? (Alma 31:22-23)

6. The Lord gave his missionaries strength so that their afflictions were                                              (Alma 31:31,38)

7. Who among the Zoramites believed in the words preached by Alma and Amulek? (Alma 32:2-3)

8. What is going to happen with those who humble, repent, and endure to the end on their own? (Alma 32:15)

9. "If ye have faith ye                           for things which are not                          and which are                              " (Alma 32:21)

10. According to Alma, what are the effects of the "good seed"--i.e. the word of God? (Alma 32:28)

11. What did Zenos, a now-unknown prophet from Old Testament times, teach about the places to pray? (Alma 33:3-9)

12. According to Zenos and Alma, how can our burdens be made light? (Alma 33:11,23)

13. According to Alma, why did many among the ancient Israelites die when the Lord sent the fiery serpents to afflict them? (Alma 33:19-20)

Alma 30

Korihor's false doctrines: (12-18,23)

The last, desperate move of unbelievers in general: "Show me a sign and I'll believe"  (43) The inconsistency of an unbeliever's ideas  (48)

The curse upon Korihor and his confession  (49-53)

The devil's reward  (59-60)

Alma 31

The efficacy of preaching the gospel (5)

Alma the younger assembles a "dream team" of powerful missionaries to reclaim the Zoramites (6-7)

The apostate worship and the wicked prayer of the Zoramites (12-23)

The prayer of a righteous Church leader on behalf of fellowservants (26-35)

A righteous priesthood leader blesses his companions after praying on their behalf (36)

The attitude, spirit, and blessings of righteous missionaries (37-38)

Alma 32
An Anthological Lesson on Faith

Blessed are those who humble themselves and repent willingly (13-16)

Differential judgments based on one's knowledge (19)

Faith is not perfect knowledge (21)

The word of the Lord comes through angels to men, women, and children (23)

Experiment upon the word (26-42)

Alma 33

The ancient Israelite prophet Zenos' teachings on places and circumstances for prayer (3-11)

Zenock, another ancient Israelite prophet, was stoned to death because of his testimony of Christ (15-17)

Moses and the serpent of brass (19-20)

Our burdens can be lightened because of our joy in Christ (23)

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This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
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