Alma 34-35

Questions for Review:

1. What-among other things--did Amulek say regarding the Atonement? (Alma 34:9)

2. When is the time for men-and women--to prepare to meet God? (Alma 34:32-33,35)

3. What did Amulek teach about those who believe in the name of Christ and have faith unto repentance? (Alma 34:14-16)

4. What did Amulek teach about those who do not exercise faith unto repentance? (Alma 34:16)

5. Amulek also taught that our prayers would be vain if we                                        (Alma 34:28)

6. Did the church enjoy the support of the Zoramite government officials? (Alma 35:6,14)

Alma 34
Amulek's Teachings on the Atonement

The need for the Atonement (8-9,11-13)

The Atonement is infinite and eternal (10-14)

The effects of the Atonement (15-16)

Amulek's teachings on prayer (17-28, 39)

Now is the time and the day of salvation (31-35) Have patience and bear afflictions (40-41)

Alma 35

The Zoramite rulers expelled the new converts from their land (6,14)

The people of Ammon received the Zoramite converts (9)

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