Moroni 1-7

Chronology: The last battle of the Nephites had happened in A.D. 385.  Moroni finished his father's record after A.D. 400, and now it is about A.D. 421.  Therefore, at this point of the narrative of the Book of Mormon, Moroni had been alone and hidden in the land for about 36 years!

Questions for Review:

1. List two things a person investigating the Church of Jesus Christ should demonstrate before being baptized. (Moroni 6:1-3)

2. What did Mormon teach about our attitude when praying or offering gifts? (Moroni 7:6-9)

3. According to Mormon, how can we distinguish between good and evil, or if something is of God? (Moroni 7:13,15)

Moroni 1-6
Church Housekeeping 101:
A Course for Future Church Members & Leaders

Prayers before performing ordinances (2:2; 3:2; also read 2 Nephi 32:9)

Requirements for baptism (6:1-3)

Be wrought upon by the Holy Ghost (6:4)

Nourish members with the word to keep them in the right way (6:4)

Meetings held often and conducted according to inspiration (6:5-6, 9)

Disciplinary councils were held to save souls (6:7-8)

Moroni 7
Teachings of the Prophet Mormon

Offerings to the Lord must be made with real intent  (6-9)

Use the Light of Christ to judge correctly  (15-16, 18-19)

Miracles cease when there is no faith  (37-38)

What must be our hope in this life?  (41)

Charity is essential to salvation  (46-48)

Copyright © 1994-2007 - Marcus H. Martins
This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
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