REL 200 - The Eternal Family

The Divine Roles and Responsibilities of Men


"Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations."

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Matthew 2:13-16 Doctrine and Covenants 75:28
Ephesians 5:23, 25-33 Doctrine and Covenants 83:2, 4
1 Timothy 5:8 Doctrine and Covenants 121:36–46
Pres. Howard W. HunterBeing a Righteous Husband and Father
Elder Richard G. Scott - The Eternal Blessings of Marriage
Elder D. Todd ChristoffersonLet Us Be Men
Sister Linda K. Burton - We'll Ascend Together
Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley Temptation in the Workplace
Dr. Marcus H. Martins Gender and Gender Roles as Eternal Characteristics
Questions for Review

President Gordon B. Hinckley
Temptation in the Workplace
Conference Report, October 1991

… [Too] many men, leaving their wives at home in the morning and going to work, where they find attractively dressed and attractively made-up young women, regard themselves as young and handsome, and as an irresistible catch.  They complain that their wives do not look the same as they did twenty years ago when they married them. To which I say, Who would, after living with you for twenty years?

Dr. Marcus H. Martins
Gender and Gender Roles as Eternal Characteristics

"Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)

Therefore, male and female gender identities are not merely an interplay of genetics and social norms, but a far deeper and eternal result of divine laws decreed by priesthood authority.

Gender roles are not merely temporary standards imposed by mortal cultures and traditions, but they were deeply ingrained in male and female spirits eternities ago, in heavenly courts of glory on high by the power of the everlasting priesthood.

Questions for Review

1) "Marriage provides an ideal setting for overcoming any tendency to be ............................" (Elder Richard G. Scott - The Eternal Blessings of Marriage)

2) According to Elder Richard Scott, why are we counseled to marry early in life? 
(Elder Richard G. Scott - The Eternal Blessings of Marriage)

3) "Be faithful in your marriage covenants in ..............................." (Pres. Howard W. Hunter - Being a Righteous Husband and Father)

4) "The priesthood cannot work out its destiny, nor can God’s purposes be fulfilled, without .............................." (Pres. Howard W. Hunter - Being a Righteous Husband and Father)

5) "Effective family leadership ... requires both .................................. time." (Pres. Howard W. Hunter - Being a Righteous Husband and Father)

6) According to Pres. Howard Hunter, how would a husband exercise unrighteous dominion in the home? (Pres. Howard W. Hunter - Being a Righteous Husband and Father)

Be prepared to present your understanding about this topic to your classmates, and see if you have additional questions to ask me.  I'll be glad to answer them.

This web page was published only as a support for classroom discussion.
For more information, contact Dr. Marcus Martins at: