Sections 103 thru 106

Read Doctrine and Covenants sections 103 thru 106

Section 103

- Reasons for the difficulties and persecutions in Missouri (3-4)

- Saints will prevail over their enemies if ... (5-8)

- Saints are to be the light and salt of the world-saviors of men (9-10)

What is the symbolic meaning of light and salt?

- Redemption of Zion will come by power (15,17,20) 

- Saints shouldn't be afraid of laying down their lives for the Lord's sake (27-28)

- Prepare the churches (i.e. congregations, or wards and branches) to keep commandments (29)

- Verse 35 - Here is an interesting question:  why didn't the Lord commanded Joseph to go in this instance?  Why did the Lord tell the brethren to pray that he might go?
Take a look at D&C sections 79 & 80 for another example.

- Victory and glory will come to us through diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith (36)

Section 104

- Video: Fundamental Principles of the Law of Consecration and Stewardship (YouTube - 2021)

- Judgments upon those who break the covenant of the law of consecration and stewardship (1-10)

- Insights on stewards and stewardships: (13-16, 55-56)

- All things belong to the Lord

Under the Law of Consecration and Stewardship, we take care of some of these things as the example given in the Parables of the Talents (Matthew 25:15-30) and of the Pounds (Luke 19:12-27)

Alternative dictionary definitions for "Pound": an enclosure for keeping animals, either domestic or wild; barnyard, corral; depot for holding personal property until redeemed by the owner

- A fundamental point: the earth is full and there is enough for all (17)

- Avarice is sin (18)

Read also D&C 70:14 - spiritual manifestations are linked to sharing temporal goods

- Saints should pay their debts; the Lord will help the faithful (78-82)

Section 105

- Early saints were being chastened for not sharing their possessions (1-6)

- Zion can only be built with celestial principles and laws (5)

- A sad day for the Church: The redemption of Zion will have to wait until the people: (9-11)

- Saints are counseled to be careful with what they talk about while settling in a new area (23-27)

- Lands must be purchased and the people must be sanctified before the Lord (29-32)

Questions for Review

1. What did the Lord state about the earth's resources? (104:17)

2. What must the Elders of the Church do in preparation for the redemption of Zion?  (105:10-11)

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