Sections 77 and 78

Read Doctrine and Covenants sections 77 and 78

Background on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in March of 1832:

Section 77
Explanations on the Book of Revelation

- Spiritual things are a likeness of temporal things, and vice-versa (2)

Likeness - an imitative appearance; resemblance; close agreement
Similarity - agreement only in some respects or to some degree
Resemblance - similarity in appearance or in external, superficial details

- Salvation of the animals  (3-4; also read Revelation 4:6-8)

"I suppose John saw beings there of a thousand forms, that had been saved from ten thousand times ten thousand earths like this--strange beasts of which we have no conception: all might be seen in heaven. The grand secret was to show John what there was in heaven.

John learned that God glorified Himself by saving all that His hands had made, whether beasts, fowls, fishes or men; and He will glorify Himself with them. ...

John heard the words of the beasts giving glory to God, and understood them. God, who made the beasts, could understand every language spoken by them. The four beasts were four of the most noble animals that had filled the measure of their creation, and had been saved from other worlds, because they were perfect: they were like angels in their sphere. We are not told where they came from, and I do not know; but they were seen and heard by John praising and glorifying God." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 291)

- The 7,000 years of the earth's temporal existence (6-7)

- 144,000 high priests (11)

These will be special missionaries, called specifically to bring people to the Church of the Firstborn
What is the "Church of the Firstborn"?  Read D&C 76:54; 88:4-5
"... the servants of God [being] sealed in their foreheads ... signifies sealing the blessing upon their heads, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making their calling and election made sure."  August 13, 1843  (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.321)
"... there will be twelve thousand chosen out of each of these ten tribes, besides twelve thousand that will be chosen from Judah, Joseph, and the remaining tribes, one hundred and forty-four thousand in all. ...

These parties who are sealed in their foreheads will go forth among all people, nations and tongues, and gather up and hunt out the house of Israel, wherever they are scattered, and bring as many as they possibly can into the Church of the first-born, preparatory to the great day of the coming of the Lord.

One hundred and forty-four thousand missionaries! Quite a host. All this has got to take place. ... There are servants of God in the midst of this congregation who will lay their hands upon many of each of these twelve thousand, chosen out of the ten tribes, and set them apart as missionaries to visit the nations of the earth and hunt up the remnants of the seed of Jacob." Elder Orson Pratt  -  April 11, 1875  (Journal of Discourses 18:25)

Section 78

- Equality in temporal things is a requirement for equality in heaven (3,5-6)

Correlate these verses with D&C 77:2; 51:3; 56:16-18
- The Law of Consecration is a preparation for the celestial kingdom (7)
Be careful not to use this verse out of its context

- All things done for God's glory (8)

- The Church must be independent (14)

- Adam holds the key to salvation under Christ (16)

- Adam is the pre-mortal Michael (see D&C 27:11)

- Great blessings not yet understood (17-19)

Questions for Review

1. The temporal existence of the earth will last for how many years? (77:7)

2. What requirement must we meet before obtaining equality in heavenly things? (78:5-6)

3. What is the Lord's desire concerning the temporal affairs of his Church? (78:14)

4. Who holds the keys of salvation under the Savior? (78:16; 27:11)

5. Can we at this point in time fully understand the blessings the Lord has in store for us? (78:17-19)

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