Section 79-80 |
Just a quick question--out of curiosity:
Why do you think the Lord sent brother Carter to preach the gospel in a specific region, but allowed brothers Burnett and Smith to choose on their own?
Take a look at Doctrine & Covenants 103:35 for another example
Section 81 |
Church News article: Transcript of Interview with President Oaks and President Eyring about Revelation in Councils (Feb 2022)
- The dignity (i.e. decorum, propriety, etiquette, honor, importance) of the office of counselor:
And don't forget the other side of this concept: How to be counseled, or how to accept counselsExodus 18:13-24 - Moses & Jethro"The way to get along in any important matter is to gather unto yourselves wise men, experienced and aged men, to assist in council in all times of trouble."(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith p.299, May 14, 1843)
1 Samuel 9:5-8,15-17 - Saul and his servantRemember that "Counselor" is one of Christ's many sacred titles and functions. See Isaiah 9:6; 2 Nephi 19:6; Jacob 5
- A promise of eternal life through faithfulness (6)
Section 82 |
- Forgiveness is based on our forgiving others (1)
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) categorized forgiveness as a divine attribute, and I agree with his argument presented in the following beautiful quotation:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest ...
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings;
It is an attribute of God himself,
And earthly power doth then show likest
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore
Though justice be thy plea, consider
That in the course of justice none
of us
Should see salvation. We do pray for
And that same prayer doth teach us
all to render
The deeds of mercy."
(William Shakespeare, The Merchant
of Venice
Baltimore:Penguin Books, 1959, IV,i,182-200,
- Individual responsibilities are proportional to the light one has received (3-4)
- The purpose of instructions: salvation (9; 2 Nephi 32:9)
- If we follow these instructions the Lord is bound--i.e. obligated, required (10)
- Equality in the Law of Consecration: just wants, concern for others (17-19)
Section 83 |
- Caring for families, widows and orphans in the Law of Consecration (2-6)
Questions for Review
1. How can a counselor do the greatest good and promote the Lord's glory? (81:3-4)
2. List the revealed duties of a Counselor. (81:5)
3. What requirement must we meet before obtaining forgiveness for our own sins? (82:1)
4. How will the degree of one's knowledge affect his or her final judgment? (82:3)
5. Two crucial aspects in the implementation of the Law of Consecration and Stewardship are: (82:17,19)
6. How should we approach those who may have unkind feelings towards us? (82:22)
7. Under the Law of Consecration and Stewardship, how were widows and orphans taken care of? (83:5-6)