Sections 94 thru 99

Read Doctrine and Covenants sections 94 thru 99

Section 94

Plan for the city of Zion

The following are the names of the 24 buildings that will compose the great temple complex in the city of Zion:
"Numbers 10, 11, and 12 are to be called, House of the Lord, for the Presidency of the High and most Holy Priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of the Son of God, upon Mount Zion, City of the New Jerusalem.

Numbers 7, 8, and 9, the Sacred Apostolic Repository, for the use of the Bishop.

Numbers 4, 5, and 6, the Holy Evangelical House, for the High Priesthood of the Holy Order of God.

Numbers 1, 2, and 3, the House of the Lord, for the Elders of Zion, an Ensign to the Nations.

Numbers 22, 23, and 24, House of the Lord for the Presidency of the High Priesthood, after the Order of Aaron, a Standard for the People.

Numbers 19, 20, and 21, House of the Lord, the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Messenger to the People; for the Highest Priesthood after the Order of Aaron.

Numbers 16, 17, and 18, House of the Lord for the Teachers in Zion, Messenger to the Church.

Numbers 13, 14, and 15, House of the Lord for the Deacons in Zion, Helps in Government.

Underneath must be written on each house--HOLINESS TO THE LORD." (Source: History of the Church, Volume 1, Chapter 26, p.359)

Section 95

- Why delaying the construction of the temple was a major problem: (3-4)

What would be the implications of not having certain necessary keys (e.g.: gathering of Israel; sealing power; gospel of Abraham)?

- Contentions in the school of the prophets: very grievous (10)

What do you think the Lord would say about contentions in our wards and/or families?

Section 97

- Parley P. Pratt to be blessed with mysteries (3,5)

- The faithful will bring much fruit (8-9; read also Matthew 13:3-8)

- Purposes for a house unto the Lord: thanksgiving and instruction (12-14)

- Requirements for glory of the Lord to rest upon his house (15-18)

- Zion's honor and prosperity are predicated on obedience (18-21,25-26,28)

Elder John Taylor
Views on the Future of Zion
Journal of Discourses 10:146-148 (April 6, 1863)

We believe that God is going to revolutionize the earth, to purge it from iniquity of every kind and to introduce righteousness of every kind, until the great millennium is fully introduced.

We believe, moreover, that God, having commenced his work, will continue to reveal and make manifest his will to his Priesthood, to his Church and kingdom on the earth, and that among this people there will be an embodiment of virtue, of truth, of holiness, of integrity, of fidelity, of wisdom and of the knowledge of God.

We believe that there will be a temporal kingdom of God organized that will be under the direction and auspices of the Lord of Hosts, and that in all our affairs, whether they relate to things temporal or things spiritual, as we have been in the habit of calling them, we shall be under the direction of the Lord ...

We believe that we shall rear splendid edifices, magnificent temples and beautiful cities that shall become the pride, praise and glory of the whole earth.

We believe that this people will excel in literature, in science and the arts and in manufactures.  In fact, there will be a concentration of wisdom, not only of the combined wisdom of the world as it now exists, but men will be inspired in regard to all these matters in a manner and to an extent that they never have been before, and we shall have eventually, when the Lord's purposes are carried out, the most magnificent buildings, the most pleasant and beautiful gardens, the richest and most costly clothing, and be the most healthy and the most intellectual people that will reside upon the earth.

This is part and parcel of our faith; in fact, Zion will become the praise of the whole earth; and as the Queen of Sheba said anciently, touching the glory of Solomon, the half of it had not been told her, so it will be in regard to Israel in their dwelling places.  In fact, if there is anything great, noble, dignified, exalted, anything pure, or holy, or virtuous, or lovely, anything that is calculated to exalt or ennoble the human mind, to dignify and elevate the people, it will be found among the people of the Saints of the Most High God.

This is only a faint outline of some of our views in relation to these things, and hence we talk of … [building] the most magnificent temple that ever was formed on the earth and the most splendid city that was ever erected; yea, cities, if you please.  The architectural designs of those splendid edifices, cities, walls, gardens, bowers, streets, &c., will be under the direction of the Lord, who will control and manage all the matters; and the people, from the President down, will all be under the guidance and direction of the Lord in all the pursuits of human life, until eventually they will be enabled to erect cities that will be fit to be caught up—that when Zion descends from above, Zion will also ascend from beneath, and be prepared to associate with those from above.  The people will be so perfected and purified, ennobled, exalted, and dignified in their feelings and so truly humble and most worthy, virtuous and intelligent that they will be fit, when caught up, to associate with that Zion that shall come down from God out of heaven.

This is the idea, in brief, that we have entertained in relation to many of these things.  If we could keep our eyes upon this a little while, and then look back to where we came from, examine our present position and see the depravity, ignorance and corruption that exists where we have come from and that yet exists among us, it is evident that some great revolution, some mighty change has got to transpire to revolutionize our minds, our feelings and judgment, our pursuits and action, and, in fact, to control and influence us throughout, before anything of this kind can take place, and hence it is when the light of heaven come to reflect upon the human mind, when we can see ourselves than we have when unenlightened by the Spirit.

No wonder that Joseph Smith should say that he felt himself shut up in a nutshell, there was no power of expansion, it was difficult for him to reveal and communicate the things of God, because there was no place to receive them.  What he had to communicate was so much more comprehensive, enlightened and dignified than that which the people generally knew and comprehended, it was difficult for him to speak, in every move he made, and so it is to the present time.

Section 98

- Our afflictions will work together for our good (3; 122:7; 2 Corinthians 4:17)

- Constitutional law belongs to all humankind (5-6; read also 101:77-78,80) 

- The law makes us free (8)

- "When wicked rule, the people mourn" (9)

- Therefore, seek honest and wise men (10)

- We will be proved in all things (14)

- The Lord's law of retaliation:  (23-32, 33-38)

Questions for Review

1. What happens when one does not have the love of the Father? (95:12)

2. What did the Lord state about the afflictions suffered by the saints? (98:3)

3. What type of human law is justifiable before the Lord? (98:5)

4. The Lord also stated: "... when ...........  rule the people ........... ." (98:9)

5. What does the Lord command us to do regarding the political process? (98:10)

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