REL 225 - The Doctrine and Covenants
Study List for the 2nd Midterm Exercise
Bro. Marcus Martins

1. How must we feel towards our enemies? (98:14)

2. What is the interpretation of the title "Sabaoth"? (95:7)

3. The Lord explained: "... for this is Zion--                  " (97:21)

4. The Lord chastens those whom he                   . (95:1)

5. The Lord also stated: "... when the                   rule the people                   ." (98:9)

6. Speaking of the house to be erected for the First Presidency, the Lord stated: "... ye shall not suffer any                   thing to come in unto it; and my                   and my                   shall be there." (94:3,8)

7. What happens when one does not have the love of the Father? (95:12)

8. What blessing will be given to the pure in heart in the house of the Lord? (97:16)

9. The Lord also commanded: "... renounce                   and proclaim                   " (98:16)

10. What did the Lord state about the afflictions suffered by the saints? (98:3)

11. What type of human law is justifiable before the Lord? (98:5)

12. What does the Lord command us to do regarding the political process? (98:10)

13. What kind of people is the Lord raising? (100:16)

14. "The redemption of Zion must needs come by                   " (103:15)

15. How does the Lord treat those who are slow to hearken to his voice? (101:7)

16. While speaking about the conditions during the Millennium, the Lord said the following about the enmity of man and beasts: (101:26)

17. Until what age are children going to live in the Millennium? (101:30)

18. How are the people who live in the Millennium going to die? (101:31)

19. What promise did the Lord make regarding the knowledge to be revealed in the Millennium? (101:32-34)

20. Where can we find fulness of joy? (101:36)

21. What are we considered when we receive the gospel and make covenants with the Lord? (101:39)

22. What is the promise--given in a parable--for those who are faithful and wise servants in the Lord's house? (101:61)

23. The following is the purpose of high councils: (102:2)

24. What is the minimum quorum (i.e. number of participants) necessary for decision-making in a high council? (102:6)

25. The president of the church enjoys the following privilege: (102:10)

26. When the president of the church is absent, the two other presidents ... (102:11)

27. Why were the early saints so severely afflicted in the state of Missouri? (101:2)

28. And why did the Lord allow the mobs to harass and attack those saints? (103:3)

29. When the Lord called for the organization of Zion's camp, what was the minimum number of men he required? (103:34)

30. How would the brethren on Zion's camp obtain victory and glory? (103:36)

31. How did the Lord decree that his saints would be provided for? (104:16)

32. What did the Lord state about the earth's resources? (104:17)

33. What will happen with those who do not impart of their wealth with the poor and needy? (104:18)

34. Zion must be built upon which principles? (105:5)

35. In preparation for the redemption of Zion, the elders of the church must                                              (105:10-11)

36. Why was the name of the higher priesthood changed in ancient times? (107:1-4)

37. What privileges are included in the Melchizedek Priesthood? (107:18-19)

38. And what privileges are included in the Aaronic Priesthood? (107:20)

39. How should the quorum of the First Presidency be upheld? (107:22)

40. What is the calling of the Twelve Apostles? (107:23)

41. What is the calling of the Seventy? (107:25)

42. What is the relationship between the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve? (107:23-24)

43. What is the relationship between the Seventy and the Quorum of the Twelve? (107:25-26)

44. How should decisions be reached in these quorums? (107:27,30)

45. What heavenly personages appeared to the prophet Joseph and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple? (110:2,11-13)

46. How are those who swear falsely against the Lord's anointed going to be cursed? (121:18-21)

47. How can one exercise "unrighteous dominion"? (121:37)

48. The power of the priesthood must be exercised                                                     (121:41)

49. What blessing will be given to those who are charitable and virtuous? (121:45-46)

50. What will the pure in heart, the wise and the noble seek from the anointed of the Lord? (122:2)