REL 480 - Church Organization & Leadership
Instructor: Dr. Marcus H. Martins
Study List for the Final Exercise

1. What kinds of programs should we strive to implement in our wards? (Finances and Welfare - Pres. Hinckley, “Rise to a Larger Vision of the Work”)

2. What is one outcome of the United Order in the lives of the poor? (Finances and Welfare - Pres. Romney, “The Purpose of Church Welfare Services”)

3. How can material blessings be a part of the gospel? (Finances and Welfare - Pres. Tanner, “Constancy amid Change”)

4. How can we control our material circumstances? (Finances and Welfare - Pres. Tanner, “Constancy amid Change”)

5. What is the bishop’s duty in caring for the poor? (Finances and Welfare - Bishop Brown, “Rendering Assistance in the Lord’s Way”)

6. How does a bishop obtain information about the material conditions of the people? (Finances and Welfare - Bishop Brown, “Rendering Assistance in the Lord’s Way”)

7. What are some of the elements of the Church’s welfare services organization? (Finances and Welfare - Bishop Brown, “Rendering Assistance in the Lord’s Way”)

8. “It is better for a people to be wise, to get righteousness, to be the friend of God, than to occupy any other position in life.” (Hope - President Woodruff, Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 3, page 31)

9. What should a supervisor do before criticizing the performance of others? (Love Unfeigned - President Kimball, Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 4, page 39)

10. Once we have the proper authority–or the “whip hand”–what should we do regarding people who once offended us? (Love Unfeigned - Pres. J. R. Clark, Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 4, page 43)

11. What was President Brigham Young’s idea of perfection? (The Pursuit of Perfection - Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 6, page 52)

12. What elements will the Lord take into consideration when he judges the nations of the world? (The Pursuit of Perfection - Prophet Joseph Smith, Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 6, page 57)

13. President Brigham Young stated: “Gather the Saints, but do not flatter; invite, but do not urge, and by no means compel any one.” (Unrighteous Dominion - Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 8, page 71)

14. What was Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s description of “flattery”? (Flattery - Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 10, page 83)

15. What is a “gospel hobby”? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

16. What is an improper way to use a spiritual gift? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

17. When does the search for knowledge become a problem? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

18. What should we do if after many sincere prayers we do not receive divine guidance about some important decision to be made? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

19. How should we try to achieve our goals? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

20. What is Nephi’s definition of “priestcraft”? (Other Pitfalls - 2 Nephi 26:29 - Elder Oaks, “Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall”)

21. According to President George F. Richards, what is the problem of speaking evil of Church leaders? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Criticism”)

22. What is the most benign way of dealing with a perceived difference with a Church leader? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Criticism”)

23. What should one do when a Church leader is visibly engaging in a serious transgression? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Criticism”)

24. How does the Church discipline persistent critics? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Criticism”)

25. What is the role or duty of a preacher of righteousness? (Other Pitfalls - Elder Oaks, “Criticism”)

26. What, according to President Harold B. Lee, are the greatest miracles we can see? (Counselors - Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 13, page 108)

27. According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the way to get along in any important matter is ... (Counselors - Insights on Church Leadership, chapter 13, page 109)

28. Counselors should keep quiet and let the president decide under inspiration how matters are to be resolved. (Counselors - Pres. Hinckley, “In … Counsellors There Is Safety”)

29. What should happen when there is lack of unity about a presidency’s decision? (Counselors - Pres. Hinckley, “In … Counsellors There Is Safety”)

30. Where can we find the real power or strength of the Church? (Evaluation & Release - Elder Larsen, “The Strength of the Kingdom is Within”)

31. Define the term “keys of the priesthood”: (Priesthood Organization - Pres. Packer, “What Every Elder Should Know–and Every Sister as Well: A Primer on Principles of Priesthood Government”)

32. How does the President of the Church receive his priesthood keys? (Priesthood Organization - Pres. Packer, “What Every Elder Should Know ...”)

33. What part(s) of the priesthood does a man receive when he is ordained an Elder? (Priesthood Organization - Pres. Packer, “What Every Elder Should Know ...”)

34. What is the relationship between temporal and spiritual salvation? (The Council System - Elder McConkie, “Stand Independent above All Other Creatures”)

35. What were some of Elder Ballard’s suggestions for effective service in councils? (The Council System - Elder Ballard, “Strength in Counsel”)

36. President J. Reuben Clark offered the following famous thought about the proper response to callings in the Church: (Church Meetings - Pres. Packer, “The Unwritten Order of Things”)

37. What goal in the lives of the members should we strive to accomplish with our Church meetings? (Church Meetings - Pres. Packer, “Reverence Invites Revelation”)

38. What is the role of music in Church meetings? (Church Meetings - Pres. Packer, “Reverence Invites Revelation”)

39. What issues should be addressed in a public prayer? (The Spoken Word - Elder Bruce R. McConkie)

40. Pres. Packer told of a problem his mission experienced regarding testimonies. What was it? (The Spoken Word - Elder Boyd K. Packer)

41. How should one publicize a very powerful spiritual experience? (The Spoken Word - Elder John Widtsoe)

42. Where did Pres. Packer identify the safety of the Church in future generations? (Doctrine & Folklore - Pres. Packer, “Principles”)

43. How often do revelations and powerful spiritual experiences come to each individual? (Inspiration - Pres. Packer, “The Candle of the Lord”)

44. How does revelation impact our study of the scriptures? (Inspiration - Elder Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”)

45. How can we become receptive to revelations? (Inspiration - Elder Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”)

46. What is the importance of daily scripture study? (Inspiration - Elder Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”)

47. How could agency have been fatal to us? (Atonement & Discipline - Pres. Packer, “Atonement, Agency, Accountability”)

48. Someone says: “I have sinned so much that there is no hope for me anymore.” What would be a correct gospel response? (Atonement & Discipline - Pres. Packer, “The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness”)

49. What are the purposes of a disciplinary council? (Atonement & Discipline - Elder Ballard, “A Chance to Start Over ...”)

50. What is the danger posed by procrastinating (i.e. indefinitely postponing) repentance? (Atonement & Discipline - Elder Simpson, “Courts of Love”)

If you have any difficulty finding the answers--or if you just want to double-check your answers--come to my office, or give me a call (277-2619), or send me an e-mail message: