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REL 480 Doctrinal Foundations for Church Leadership |
Course Objectives
Review basic principles and qualities for righteous ecclesiastical leadership
Obtain that wisdom that comes from the experience in what President Boyd K. Packer called "the unwritten order of things," necessary to magnify present or future Church callings
Develop the ability to find in the words of the Lord and His prophets proper answers to unforeseen challenges in the exercise of Church callings
Tentative Topics
Why Leadership? The Prayer of Faith
Love Unfeigned
The Nature of Perfection
Pride, Unrighteous Dominion,
and Flattery
The Knowledge of the Truth
The Blessings of Good Counseling
Administering and Ministering
Effective Correlation
Evaluation and Release
Initial Reading List
The Standard Works
Internet-based readings:
Insights on Church Leadership, by Marcus Martins
(1978) "Administration of the Restored Church," by Pres. N. Eldon Tanner
(1993) "What Every Elder Should Know–and Every Sister as Well: A Primer on Principles of Priesthood Government," by Elder Boyd K. Packer
(1993) "The Candle of the Lord," by Elder Boyd K. Packer
(1993) "Strength in Counsel," by Elder M. Russell Ballard
(1994) "Counseling with Our Councils," by Elder M. Russell Ballard
(1995) "Fundamental Principles" - The First Presidency
(1995) "Leadership Emphasis" -The First Presidency
(1996) "The Unwritten Order of Things," by Elder Boyd K. Packer
(2000) "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence," Elder Jeffrey Holland
"False Revelations, Dreams, and Schemes" - The First Presidency (1913)
The credits for this course will not be accepted at BYU-Provo nor BYU-Idaho as religion credits--only as elective credits