Dr. Marcus H. Martins - title

Office: BYUH Stake Center 182-B
Mobile: (808) 778-3077
E-mail: martinsm@byuh.edu
Curriculum Vitae

REL 200 - The Eternal Family REL 275 - Teachings of the Book of Mormon REL 324 - The Doctrine and Covenants I REL 325 - The Doctrine and Covenants II REL 431 - Doctrines of the Gospel REL 480 - Church Organization and Leadership
REL 200
The Eternal Family
REL 275
Teachings of the Book of Mormon
REL 324
Doctrine & Covenants
REL 325
Doctrine & Covenants
REL 431
Doctrines of the Gospel
REL 480
Church Organization
and Leadership

Courses / Cursos


Papers and Essays

Monografias e Ensaios

Eternal Family 200

Teachings of the Book of Mormon 275

Doctrine & Covenants 324

Doctrine & Covenants 325

Doctrines of the Gospel 431

Church Organization & Leadership 480

Leadership Tips

Teachings on the Office of Bishop (REL 480)

Insights from a "Former" Bishop

Ensinamentos sobre o Ofício de Bispo (REL 480)

Reflexões de um "Ex"-Bispo  (2005)

Insights on Church Leadership
(Unpublished Book Manuscript - 1993)

Answers to Doctrinal Questions

Bro. Martins' YouTube Videos

Bro. Martins' videos

Social Media Posts

Doctrinal Questions  (bilingual - Portuguese/English)

Perguntas Doutrinárias  (bilíngue Português/Inglês)

Other Information

Original Home Page

Original Site Design by Flavio Martins

<< 2020 >>
The Third Century of an Intelligent Religion (PDF)  HTML

<< 2019 >>
Human Temptations 

<< 2018 >>
Forty Years After the 40th Year: Expectations for the Future ...

Forty Years After 126 Years: Reflections from an Aging Black Man in Zion

Insights on the Ordinance of Naming Children (PDF)  HTML

<< 2017 >>
"To Be Learned is Good": A Meditation on Priesthood and Time

Seals and the Sealing by the Holy Spirit of Promise (PDF)  HTML

<< 2016 >>

The Doctrine of the Priesthood and Gender Issues (PDF)   HTML

<< 2015 >>
Marriage & Eternal Marriage: The Analogy of the Concrete Slab (PDF)  

<< 2014 >>
The Body: First Stewardship & Liahona of the Spirit (PDF)  HTML

Waiting for Marriage and Deciding Who’s "the One" (PDF)  HTML

Book (2007):  Blacks and the Mormon Priesthood
"Thirty Years After the 'Long-Promised Day': Reflections and Expectations" (2008)

An Inevitable Paradox: Establishing a 'Peaceable Habitation' in a Violent World (2005)

Chocolate, Stem Cells, and Destroying Angels: Contemporary Perspectives on the Word of Wisdom (2003)
False Images of Christ (PDF)  HTML  (2001)

All Are (Really) Alike Unto God: Personal Reflections on the 1978 Revelation  (PDF)   HTML  (2001)

"Thinking Way Back": Considerations on Race, Pre-Existence, and Mortality (PDF)  HTML (1995, 1999)

"Into All the World": Technological Trends and the LDS Church in the 21st Century (PDF)  HTML (1998)

<< 2020 >>

O Terceiro Século de uma Religião Inteligente

<< 2019 >>
Tentações Humanas

<< 2018 >>
Considerações sobre a Ordenança de Dar Nome à Crianças (PDF)   HTML

<< 2017 >>
"É Bom Ser Instruído": Uma Meditação sobre o Sacerdócio e o Tempo

Selos e o Selamento pelo Santo Espírito da Promessa (PDF)  HTML

<< 2016 >>
A Doutrina do Sacerdócio e Questões de Gênero (PDF)  HTML

<< 2015 >>

Casamento & Casamento Eterno: A Analogia da Laje de Concreto (PDF)   HTML

<< 2014 >>
O Corpo: Primeira Mordomia & Liahona do Espírito (PDF)  HTML

Esperando pelo Casamento e Escolhendo a "Pessoa Certa" (PDF)

Trinta Anos Apos o 'Dia Há Muito Prometido': Reflexões e Expectativas (2008)

Chocolate, Células-Tronco, e Anjos Destruidores: Perspectivas Contemporâneas sobre a Palavra de Sabedoria (2003)

Todos São (Realmente) Iguais Perante Deus: Reflexões Pessoais sobre a Revelação de 1978 (PDF)   HTML  (2001)

Falsas Imagens de Cristo  
HTML  (2001)

Pensando no Passado Distante: Considera
ções sobre Raças, Pre-Existência, e Mortalidade (PDF)  HTML (1995, 1999)
"Ide Por Todo o Mundo": Tendências Tecnológicas e a Igreja SUD no S
éculo 21 (HTML)  (1998)